Summer Nationals 2008 Division 3 Foil

Well, yes - was near the top of the initial seed, but gah, that didn't seem to help!
Worse than D2! (much worse = 54 of 101 is 53%, D2 was 51 of 140 or 36%)

I nearly didn't make the 80% cut! not that it helped...
1st DE was fairly easy, - that's really about all I remember.
2nd DE was (probably D'Auria) I remember I had him in my pool in Div2 foil, and he was one of them that beat me, and did it again. Skinny little lefty kid, the lefty didn't throw me as much as the skinny, and he had good point control. Broke a weapon on him, he parried the barrel right off.

Division III Results
# of Entries: 101
Classification of Event: C3
ResultLast NameFirst NameDivisionClassification
1PirainoRobert CLONG ISLNDD2008C08
2WildChris EMT. VALLEYD2008C08
3TBergmanHarrisonNEW JERSEYB2008
3TYounessOsmanSO. CALIF.D2008C08
5RogersElliot CMT. VALLEYE2008D08
6BrownDuncan PNORTH CAE2008D08
8YangDavid DNEW JERSEYC2008
9WhitemanMark APHILADELPHE2008
10D'AuriaPeter TOREGONC2008
11ToweyGavin MNORTH CAC2008
12ChiuRichardNEW JERSEYD2008
14MandokiSandor INORTH CAD2008
15de RaadBrian CNORTH CAD2008
16Le BlancYves PMICHIGANC2008
17TDonnellyDevin JCENTRAL CAD2008
17TStockdaleAlexander PHILADELPHD2008
19Huntley-RomanowAlexander WESTERN NYB2008
20TawilMarc JGATEWAY FLD2008
21AcunaGabriel GGULFCST TXC2008
22WangLawrence TCENTRAL CAD2007
23MedioliPaul FNEW JERSEYU
24WhittenSean MN.CAROLINAD2007
25DelanyGage RSO. CALIF.D2008
26Brown IIRoderick ES.CAROLINAD2008
27GoldhirschRobert MS. JERSEYE2007
28WellmanRyan ENORTH CAE2008
29VastolaAlexander METRO NYCD2007
30TMerryWilliam A.ORANGE CSTC2008
30TFiataroneDr. JamesNORTH CAD2008
32JonesPatrick PNORTH CAD2006
33SluderTreyPLAINS TEXD2008
34ShingLoktaoBORDER TEXE2006
35NelsonAndrew CNORTH CAD2008
36SmithCollin DCENTRAL CAD2007
38SampsonRobert DLONG ISLNDE2008
40Harris-KoizumiSatoshiMETRO NYCD2008
41HvostalChris MPHILADELPHD2008
42TAmaranathanAmbrish JCENTRAL CAD2008
42THempeKyleLONG ISLNDD2008
44TrabaudoBilly LNEW MEXICOD2007
45AcuAdrian MWESTERN NYE2008
46EllisTaylor SVIRGINIAD2008
47AxfordAlexander COLORADOD2008
49GalloMatthew FWEST-ROCKE2008
50WenguerSteven GGOLDCST FLD2008
51ChenAustin SSAN DIEGOD2008
52WilliamsZachary CCENTRAL CAE2008
53BirchTyler BCOLUMBUSOHD2008
54BerkeDaniel LWESTERN WAD2008
55HershbergerAricORANGE CSTC2008
56OstermanGordon KCOLORADOD2008
57MurphyRyan MLONG ISLNDD2008
60WallaceEvan BST. LOUISD2006
61GoldhirschWilliam JS. JERSEYE2007
62SiclareLukas SNEW JERSEYE2007
63HolleyMatthew FUTAH/S.IDAD2008
66ZeissGary MSO. CALIF.D2007
67DavoodianKeyonCENTRAL FLC2008
68TPegramRafferty GMARYLANDD2008
68TDaughertyRon LST. LOUISD2008
70ThompsonParker JGULFCST TXU
71McAndrewsCullen NPHILADELPHD2008
72StaffordEvan JINLAND EMPE2008
73ZhengDavidLONG ISLNDD2008
74KimRyan JNEW JERSEYE2008
75LettieriDavidWESTERN PAE2007
76DielAdrian KLOUISIANAD2008
77TPattersonJosiah EHUDS-BERKSU
77TO'Brien-SchroederJohn DMINNESOTAD2007
79WhittierChristopheST. LOUISU
80FaganChris JWESTERN WAD2007
81DeCosmoStephen VCENTRAL PAE2007
82SweetGriffin PNEWENGLANDE2008
83KiDaniel RCENTRAL CAD2007
84StuderSamuel RGATEWAY FLD2008
85MillerJohn AKANSASD2007
86PoonCharles BSO. CALIF.C2008
87PecotMatthew JSAN DIEGOE2007
88GadboisDavid JWESTERN WAD2005
89BayerJohn PLOUISIANAE2007
90BrewerAdam SSO. TEXASU
91MyersWalter DBORDER TEXE2007
92O'DonnellJoseph WNORTHEASTD2006
93LyosAlexander GULFCST TXU
94MizeDouglas MMT. VALLEYU
95SegalBrian SINLAND EMPE2005
97TWaldronJeff DALASKAU
97TKingKen GST. LOUISE2006
97TMarcoLinus EWISCONSIND2007
100JohnsonCraig DHUDS-BERKSU
101PincusoffJoelNO. COASTU

At least I'm not the lowest C or anything.

Drowned my sorrows in a couple of Black & Browns (thanks Shawn!) that evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.