USFA Summer Nationals 2008

USFA Summer Nationals
Div 2 Foil
149 entrants, 140 showed up.

Division II Results - Full Results Available here as pdf
# of Entries: 140
Classification of Event: B3

5/3 let him get 2 points too many

1/5 Moench (I think) one time I hit but his lame had gotten unpluged (the clip came off his jacket) and I didn't get the point. it was one light, I guess I should have asked to test - to remind the director that I had hit on target.

1/5 skinny little lefty kid, good, but not _that_ good, should have done a bit better. (he's the one who will beat me in DE's for Div3 tomorrow)



Pool 4 Victories - most by the skin of my teeth 5/4, and 2 fairly bad defeats 1/5

Seed after pools 53

If you could read this it would tell about the DE's but...

1st DE vs seed 100 something

2nd DE vs seed 12 a lefty and a D
started out good, was up 5/2 then 8/6, then 13/13 then 14/13, then .... 14/15 drat...
It wasn't so much that he was a lefty really, although I did mess up and go for line 4 too often, lucked out on a couple remise-hit-runaway's ! but got just a bit too close a few times, and he took it - instead of me taking it which was what I was trying to get in for, and of course I screwed up by countering into his attack, at least twice, when I know I have to take the blade first! He was good, but I should have been able to do this one, I just made 1 too many mistakes... broke a blade on him - and didn't get the point - even though it should have been a good hit and my rightofway :( Also must have been leaning over too much, since he got my outside low back and that shouldn't have been showing, I wasn't keeping my balance...
17McAndrewsCullen NPHILADELPHD2008
He ended up 17th so I don't feel so bad really :)

I should end up in the 50's still I think, I doubt there were too many upsets.
Ah, actually went up somehow - finished 51 of 140

Division II Results
# of Entries: 140
Classification of Event: B3

ResultLast NameFirst NameDivisionClassification
1MalikAndrew RS. JERSEYB2008
2ShayestehRodWESTERN NYC2008B08
3TBakerStephen MWESTERN PAC2008B08
3TWooleyRobert BNATIONALC2008B08
5SteinschneiderMatthew DCONNECTCUTC2008
6BermanNoah JCENTRAL CAC2008
7WooMichael JNEW JERSEYB2008
8NollnerDylan JUTAH/S.IDAC2008
9SchwiebertMichael FCENTRAL CAB2008
10Huntley-RomanowAlexander WESTERN NYB2008
11VredenburgDaniel MMICHIGANC2008
12DeLapRylan QALABAMAC2008
13BryantEzrah KSO. CALIF.B2008
14MartonDenes PGULFCST TXC2008
15ArietaRyan TNORTH CAC2008
16Jno-FinnDavisGULFCST TXC2008
17McAndrewsCullen NPHILADELPHD2008
18WildChris EMT. VALLEYD2008
19Rosen-LongMaxwell AMETRO NYCB2008
20WangMichaelNEW JERSEYC2007
21YounessOsmanSO. CALIF.D2008
22DysonTravisNORTH TEXB2008
23AcunaGabriel GGULFCST TXC2008
24VacaRicky EARIZONAC2008
26HuangMichael ENORTH CAC2008
27NavarroReynaldo MORANGE CSTC2008
28TElsasserAndrew ENEW JERSEYC2008
28TPirainoRobert CLONG ISLNDD2008
30WestburyCameron HSO. CALIF.C2008
31NoyesChristopheSO. CALIF.C2008
32DelanyGage RSO. CALIF.D2008
33MoenchMorgan WNEW JERSEYB2008
34DesaiNalin HCENTRAL CAC2008
35O'Brien-SchroederJohn DMINNESOTAD2007
36NielsenJeffrey W.NEW JERSEYC2008
37McDermottMax ANEW JERSEYC2008
38DonnellyDevin JCENTRAL CAD2008
39MeyerBill LKANSASC2008
40PoppleDante ANORTH CAD2008
41ChengAlex KSAN BERNARB2008
42HouleBlace BNEWENGLANDC2008
43JohnstonLawrence BNORTH CAC2008
44BloughCasey ABORDER TEXC2008
46RehmaneOmar SNEW JERSEYC2007
47Harris-KoizumiSatoshiMETRO NYCD2008
48SlavinAlec CST. LOUISC2008
49ShingLoktaoBORDER TEXE2006
50ToweyGavin MNORTH CAC2008
51HershbergerAricORANGE CSTC2008
53NieldBenjamin NWESTERN WAB2008
54MerryWilliam A.ORANGE CSTC2008
55Gonzalez Jr.AndresSO. TEXASC2008
56FindleyDavid MWESTERN PAC2008
57Le BlancYves PMICHIGANC2008
58CurtisBenjamin EWESTERN WAC2008
59MayerRichardNEW JERSEYC2007
60BookwalterJames ECAPITOLB2008
61TSobhYusuf NILLINOISC2008
61TSheynkmanLeonCENTRAL CAB2008
63OstermanGordon KCOLORADOD2008
64TrabaudoBilly LNEW MEXICOD2007
65D'AuriaPeter TOREGONC2008
66KlingerRaymond SWEST-ROCKB2008
67JonesPatrick PNORTH CAD2006
68GonzalezEric JNEBR-S.DAKU
69FeltSpencer CWESTERN WAC2008
70JohnsonNicholas ANEWENGLANDC2007
71BonaiutoHarry PNEWENGLANDC2008
72KimmPhillip JSO. TEXASC2008
73CrossConor PUTAH/S.IDAD2008
74PegramRafferty GMARYLANDD2008
75HempeKyleLONG ISLNDD2008
76RickettsEric MNO. COASTC2005
77KoernerElijah A.RSO. CALIF.C2007
78GrieppAnton ZWESTERN NYC2007
79MooreKeric RSO. CALIF.C2008
81MartosDarwin CNORTH CAC2004
82RollnickDaniel ENORTHEASTC2008
83Iverson IVRobert WNEW JERSEYE2008
84YbarraEmilio SSO. TEXASC2007
87MandokiSandor INORTH CAD2008
88TSluderTreyPLAINS TEXD2008
88TWallaceEvan BST. LOUISD2006
90CarrilloRobert DSO. CALIF.C2007
91ZhengDavidLONG ISLNDD2008
93WhitemanMark APHILADELPHE2008
94WenguerSteven GGOLDCST FLD2008
95TBurkeDavid HLOUISIANAC2008
95TPecotMatthew JSAN DIEGOE2007
97TShourdsShalyn WNORTH TEXC2008
97TWojciechowskiMatthew NBORDER TEXC2007
99TLindquistMichael ALONG ISLNDE2008
101TBlairRayCENTRAL FLC2007
101TGadboisDavid JWESTERN WAD2005
103THavengaBarend JS.CAROLINAD2008
103TDavoodianKeyonCENTRAL FLC2008
105CuchetMax HGEORGIAC2008
106GalambaJamesMT. VALLEYD2007
107BlythJourdain LCOLORADOD2008
108MurphyRyan MLONG ISLNDD2008
109StockdaleAlexander PHILADELPHD2008
110McDonaldAndrew CSW OHIOC2008
111ThomasAlexander MICHIGANC2007
112WhittenSean MN.CAROLINAD2007
113SmithCollin DCENTRAL CAD2007
114AmaranathanAmbrish JCENTRAL CAD2008
115BirchTyler BCOLUMBUSOHD2008
116MerrittDavis ANEWENGLANDC2007
118CoffelWesley MOREGOND2008
119GustafsonBenjamin HSAN DIEGOE2007
120ChinMichael TWESTERN WAE2008
121TDielAdrian KLOUISIANAD2008
121TGoldhirschWilliam JS. JERSEYE2007
121TKleinJohannesWESTERN WAC2008
124Brown IIRoderick ES.CAROLINAD2008
126BakerDavid BUTAH/S.IDAC2007
127TNilsenRobert AHUDS-BERKSC2007
127TSwansonAnders KOREGOND2008
129TurnerRyan DMARYLANDE2008
130FengCharles ZMINNESOTAU
131GoldhirschRobert MS. JERSEYE2007
132SampsonRobert DLONG ISLNDE2008
133SegalBrian SINLAND EMPE2005
134TThompsonParker JGULFCST TXU
134TTawilMarc JGATEWAY FLD2008
136TBayerJohn PLOUISIANAE2007
136TLyosAlexander GULFCST TXU
138EllisTaylor SVIRGINIAD2008
139TPurbaughMatthew VNEBR-S.DAKE2008

ah well, D3 is next and I should be well at the top of that seed... :)

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