Summer Nationals 2008 Division 3 Epee

Pools won 3 lost 3, I think...
5/3 for the first one, I remember, but I didn't do too well over all in the pools.
lost one 3/2? ran out of time - he later coached me a bit on some of my DE's reminded me to get my arm out there, which I knew to do - but wasn't, may have helped me win (my 3rd DE) in round of 8.
Seed after Pools #40
Which kind of sucks, for the top ranked member of the pool, I should have taken the pool, and been in the top 16 (I think there were something like 16 pools) - there were only 2 B's and about 6 other C's after all.

1st DE Kenison, not too bad, I don't really remember it, not easy, but I wasn't worried.
2nd DE was probably Williams I'm drawing a blank entirely
3rd DE - a lefty, I was down 1/5 or 2/5 when that former pool-mate reminded me about keeping my arm out there, managed to pull it back to 15/13 or something.
4th DE (round of 8) was David Lewis, older guy, another lefty had me down at first, but again I was getting caught up too close, then I managed to find something, a feint-attack to his high outside - not even threatening really, just off the outside, he's go for it with a parry 6 and I could do a half-disengage out to in low which hit 75+% of the time. After that, I just used it over and over, threw in a couple other things, tried for a hand touch and got a double, then stuck with that half-disengage until the end, may have got a lunge hit as well. 15/11? or something.
5th DE (round of 4) Cameron Sprowles - he was quick, had a strong beat, I went in low once, and he picked off my arm. Tried a few fletches but he caught my blade and hit me back on one of them. Managed a few good hits, dodged back on his attack and followed him on his recovery right in to hit, got his hand a few times as he whirled it to bind at my blade, got a leg once, not enough tho he was too much ahead, and too quick, and I was tiring. I think it was 8 or 10 /15, but up from 3/10 or the like. it was 6/12 at one point anyway I remember.

Division III Results
# of Entries: 84
Classification of Event: C3
ResultLast NameFirst NameDivisionClassification
1Murphy IIIJames TNORTH TEXD2008C08
2SprowlesCameron DSAN DIEGOD2006C08
3THershbergerAricORANGE CSTC2008
3TLeavittW. IsaacUTAH/S.IDAD2007C08
5GoossensNiels FOREGOND2005D08
6CrossConor PUTAH/S.IDAC2008
7WallakJesse JCENTRAL PAUD08
8LewisDavid ACENTRAL CAD2005D08
9BlythJourdain LCOLORADOB2008
10WalkerHunter ASO. CALIF.E2008
11CohenPeter GWEST-ROCKUE08
13CrawfordLaren LWESTERN WAD2006
14MillerWilliam THAWAIID2007
16SealsSazahn MSO. CALIF.D2008
17PalmerRiley JMINNESOTAD2008
18LindquistMichael ALONG ISLNDE2008
19BlanchardAaron SNEW JERSEYD2005
20MerriamDylan AOREGOND2008
21MillmanDavid ANO. COASTC2008
22RichardsonSaxon MARIZONAD2006
23AndersonMatthew TGEORGIAD2008
24BrownFrancis SILLINOISD2008
25MushovicDavid VALASKAE2008
26TWhitmoreChristopheMT. VALLEYD2008
28ParmerMatthew JS.CAROLINAD2008
29ShapiroKevin MILLINOISD2007
30GellerDanielWESTERN WAB2008
31WilliamsAyindeST. LOUISD2008
32LyubininMichaelNORTH CAD2008
34EckelmannDavid JNEW JERSEYE2008
36PurbaughMatthew VNEBR-S.DAKD2008
37Haas-HeyeStefan PNEW JERSEYU
38AppleAaron MNORTH CAU
39MegaroRyan LNEW JERSEYC2008
40DryDylan GVIRGINIAC2008
41KenisonIan ConnorNEVADAD2008
42LopezJoshua AMETRO NYCE2008
43RobertsonShawn L.E.CENTRAL CAE2008
44TSandersJr.NORTH CAC2008
44TEisenbergMark JARIZONAE2008
46TranRichardCENTRAL CAD2004
47HurstPalmer EVIRGINIAD2007
48ParsonsKevin CMINNESOTAD2007
49CluteAngelo SNORTH CAD2007
50YuAlexander MICHIGAND2008
51TInAndrew YSO. CALIF.E2007
51TMastermanBrandon PWESTERN PAU
53BlairJackson PSO. TEXASU
55ViagasBenjamin AWEST-ROCKE2008
56McKinneyKevin TNORTH OHIOD2008
57Macchione IIIJohn BNEW JERSEYU
58JohnsonMarcus CMARYLANDE2008
59TRobinsonWilliam CMT. VALLEYE2008
61OmarAdamMETRO NYCE2008
62RafizadehAndre DNEW JERSEYE2008
63WilkinsonCalvin JPLAINS TEXD2008
64CullerMichael DNEWENGLANDD2008
65SoriaRomeo VLONG ISLNDD2006
66BuckinghamEdwin JGULFCST TXU
67BennettScott AOKLAHOMAU
69CarsonIain MSO. CALIF.D2007
70ParkerCameron ANORTH CAE2008
71ByunAndrew D.HMARYLANDD2008
72MahlingRobert AS.CAROLINAD2006
73LundgrenKyleCENTRAL CAU
74OrtizMoises JSO. TEXASE2008
76AdamsZachary JST. LOUISE2008
77Davidheiser-KrollSteven ESO. CALIF.E2008
79WilsonIvan BCAPITOLE2007
80SchmidtJohn MWESTERN PAE2007
81StaffordEvan JINLAND EMPE2008
82TDePaoliAlex MSO. CALIF.U
82TQuirozRuben RSAN BERNARE2008
84CramerusPieter FGULFCST TXE2007

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