20070629 Thur new Salle for OCFA
Just Brian then Chuck showed up, lost to each once, and beat each 2xs
Brian got me really good in the hand - my finger is killing me the next morning.
broke blade on Brain, but got the point!, snapped it off just at the tip of the barrell.
20070626 Tue LB
L2 class 3 all 4 lines - once I remembered :}
20070625 Mon New Salle for OCFA
L3 lost a few, hope they knew about the venue change
new place is really nice and large, bigger than south coast. once they get the floor down it will be really nice.
20070621 Thur Salle
Brian & Chuck.
Brian kept practiceing that flick to the outside R shoulder, ouch, at first I was doing the parry and reposting, getting the parry 3/4 the time getting the repost 1/3, then I started trying to hit first and then parry, hit several times, don't think I got any of the parrys, got a number welts on my shoulder... :)
Chuck broke his expensive blade on Brian, doing his charge in and punch attack.
20070619 Tue LB
L2 class 2 col
did 10 point king of the hill
Glen 10/6?
Hubbell 10/9 from 7/9
David Vendl 10/4?6?
David W. 10/6?
Hubbell 10/8?6?
quite a good workout
20070618 Mon Salle
L3 class 3
fenced Shawn 14/15 from 10/13!
20070613 Thur Salle
just me and Brian again
20070611 Tue LB
1st class - stuck in the little room
think I pissed off Gerry again, he left mysteriously
20070610 Mon Salle
20070607 Thu Salle
Fenced Brian, Ken, Brian, Chuck, Brian, Chuck, Brian. all 10 point bouts
Geoff showed up, not fencing tho
20070604 Mon Salle
L3 1st class, did disengage, col review, repost drills, and new inishal attack drill
fenced, Garrett, 10/?, and Ken 10/8? he's getting better, and joseph's dad, 7?8?/10, he's very fast on his feet and he's improving in his bladework.
20070524 Thur Salle
Did King of the Hill 10 point bouts.
Brian 10/8?, Shayne, 10/?, Brian 6?/10, Brian 10/9
20070522 Tue LB
L3 counter parry, & Coupe
didn't fence much, moving boxes all day
20070521 Mon Salle
L3 bout night,
then practice fenced with Paul
20070517 Thur Salle
nobody showed up by me and Brian, so we fenced to 100 points...
It was a _great_ endurance exersize, and although my point controll went to hell after a while I did manage to keep it ok, and although I was getting too close, I did manage to use distance pretty well. Brian did his usual sweep beat, and attack, but I managed to evade and circle around and hit quite a few times, after I remembered to try, also managed to catch a parry and get inside and repost a few time.
Final score = 100/81
20070515 Tue LB
L3 reviewed double and did counter parry 4 & 6
fenced, Glen 10/4, David Vendl 10/?, Glen 5/4
20070514 Mon Salle
L3 coupe
practice fenced with Shane & Ken
lesson, seeing the parry, practice, hits, and practice evasions of parry, evasions of counter parry, evasions of bad parries, evasions of combo parry and counter parry.
20070508 Tues LB
the L2 'asistants' were being a pain, and not assissting
fenced Gerry 5/1 (he was having an off night) Carrie, David W., Vendl,
20070507 Mon Salle
L3 class 3 double disengage,
fenced a bit after, some foil, and some Epee
20070503 Thurs Salle
Brian 10/9, Ken 10/3?6?, Brian 9/10 (from 8/5!), Ken 10/6?, Brian 10/9.
Couldn't really practice any preize-de-fer on either of them, but did practice some disengages, double and out-to-in on Ken.
20070501 Tue
L3 class 1
didn't fence feeling cruddy
20070430 Mon
L3 class 2
Lesson, prise-de-fer, holding sliding parry, angle blade in to hit, twisting if nesscary.
20070426 Thurs Salle
fenced Brian 10/8?, Chuck 6?7/10, Ken 10/2?4?, Chuck ?/?, Brian 10/2?3?
was doing well, parry with distance, some evasions on Brian, several beat attacks after his beat, beat attacks on his point in line, got a good disengage on Chuck.
20070423 Mon Salle
L3 new class started
20070419 Thur Salle
open bouting
20070417 Tue LB
L2 bout night
20070416 Mon Salle
L3 bout night
20070412 Thur Salle
lots of people showed up.
Fenced Brian 3/5? William 2/5 !, but did better later, practiced counterparry evasion hits on William which worked well, tried to do some prise-der-fer on Brian and think I got one to work.
20070407 Tue LB
L3 lowlines
continued our LB competition DE's
20070406 Mon Salle
L3 class 4 coupe
got lesson, prise-de-fer (parry, close in, slide down blade, quickly release and hit from a close in angle). and on counterparry & counterparry evasions. Fenced with Ken, and tried to practice them some, got one good prise-de-fer, and several counterparry evasion hits.
20070405 Thur Salle
open bouting
15 touche epee ken and brian (14/15 doubled at the end oops)
then 10 point foils with Chuck added in (ow my arm) 9/10 Brian? I think
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